Wednesday, August 29, 2018


How do you justify hurt, pain, dismantled emotions. People screw with other humans lives to some how feel better about themselves. They will try to steal your money, material things and what not but what they don't realize is they're only causing damage on themselves. Everything in life is replaceable except yourself. There will always be money to be made, things to be bought, places to live lada dida da. Every human being stays clear of truth because their scared of getting hurt or hurting someone else. I find honesty is the best policy but I too stay clear. Not of telling a truth but committing omission. Mostly about how i feel inside because i bury things or shut down. Do you ever feel like someone close to you hides things? Doesn't tell you things because of fear of losing you an what you have? Do you fear that things are going on behind your back whether it be friends or loved ones? Sometimes i feel driven into the way I am and that in itself is scary. Sometimes people subconsciously let fear set in and they drift into another place out of that fear. Almost like shifting gears in a car. It's automatically going to go in the direction in which you shift as long as the transmission {your brain} is in proper working order.

Peace & Love,
Lucy M.

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