Thursday, August 23, 2018

Fear is what drives us!

You will always carry hope in your heart that your children will do bigger and better than you could ever do. You have to hold on tight no matter how old they get to help and guide them specially when they have disabilities. Also on the other hand let go enough so they have to learn how to maintain a suitable life. I know this blog is in twisted tongue but my son is 23 years old and is having such issues in his life I fear what it is doing to him. I believe he is extremely depressed it scares the hell out of me. It kills me because I can only do so much. I haven't been there for him like I should of been. I could've been a better mother and guided him better. I am angry, hurt, heart broken and so much more. This is a younger picture of both my kids but they look the same. I love them so much.

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