Friday, August 17, 2018

Everybody has a story to tell whether it be today, tomorrow, or ten years from now. We are destine to tell our own story no matter how good or bad it may be. Is it fair to say there is a place and time for you to talk about whatever it is that's on your mind? Why are so many think they have the right to dictate when a story gets told? I for one am the type of person who can tell a story and don't care. Okay maybe not so much as don't care but no one is going to treat me like I'm nothing or don't matter. I'm strong willed, stubborn and know my self worth. I know what I'm capable of and i have no problem showing it. Yes a lot of the times I do over do it but hey when I set my mind to do something for the ones I love and even for people I never met before I try my hardest to make sure they're happy. I love to recycle donated things that have been donated to me. I love to share the kindness that has been shown to me. But in the end the shit stick gets thrown in there some where by some one who doesn't share the same enthusiasm and then you're crushed. I put a lot of things on hold because it is never the right time for anything but i feel it's not fair. I'm 45 and who knows what tomorrow brings. My dream is my store. Is it going to happen I don't know because getting a loan for something this precious to me is insane. I get really exhausted at times trying to prove myself. Having bad credit, yes is mainly my own fault but,on the other hand, nobody cares. They want to rebuild communities but are to scared to help that happen. Thoughts and advice are welcome.

Love, Peace, and Happiness

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